
Subscriptions and Bin Stickers


Included in your subs

We have created bin stickers to show how proud we are of our community. These can be affixed to your recycling (blue) and your general waste (grey) bins.

Above is the bin sticker. The  4 digit number refers to the year of your subscription. Therefore in April next year, we will provide 2024 stickers for your subscription.

We will be distributing the pictured stickers shortly to all those who have paid subscriptions. This year it will be the following:
4 x SLHRA supporter  and 4 x date stickers.

There is still time for those who haven't managed to get round to paying their subs yet. Complete your details in the form below to pay your subscriptions.


Contributions requested for this year are:-
£100 for a St.Leonard’s  Hill address
£50 for those in roads adjoining the Hill

Please send  your cheque  payable to: “St Leonard’s Hill Residents’ Association”
with your name, full address details and Email address on the back to:


St Leonard’s Hill Residents Association, 
c/o “Whitby”, St Leonard’s Hill, Windsor, SL4 4AJ.

Adjacent to first entrance to Illingworth

Bank transfer

The bank details are: Metro Bank
Sort code: 23-05-80
Account number: 16186325
Please provide your address as the reference.

Debit/Credit Card or PayPal
Houses on the Hill:  
Houses on roads ADJOINING the hill

If you would like to confirm that you have sent payment then please enter details below

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